The Parts I Keep Inside is a compelling new musical that delves into the individual journeys of four different storylines within the protagonist. The show follows these characters as they struggle to come to terms with the intricate complexities of the human experience, ultimately exploring themes of self-discovery, redemption, and the parts of ourselves that we keep hidden.
As the storylines intertwine, the show takes the audience on a thought-provoking journey through the internal struggles that we all face, leading each audience member to a place of contemplation and self-discovery. With a powerful and emotional score, as well as poignant storytelling, The Parts I Keep Inside provides a moving and introspective experience that encourages audience members to reflect on their own journeys and search for inner peace and purpose.
As the storylines intertwine, the show takes the audience on a thought-provoking journey through the internal struggles that we all face, leading each audience member to a place of contemplation and self-discovery. With a powerful and emotional score, as well as poignant storytelling, The Parts I Keep Inside provides a moving and introspective experience that encourages audience members to reflect on their own journeys and search for inner peace and purpose.
Graphic Design by Emma Idalei Ingalls